martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020



Hello, kids!

Today we are going to revise PLURALS and to learn IRREGULAR PLURALS.


But these are...

Let's see some examples...

1- Open your Student's book on page 63. Let's match singular and plural nouns. (Unimos sustantivos)

2- Write sentences using HAVE or HAS GOT and SINGULAR or PLURAL nouns. (Escribimos oraciones usando la forma correcta del verbo y los sustantivos).

3- Listen and colour the monster! (Escuchamos y coloreamos)

(Enviar sólo esta actividad a la Miss)
Look at the monster again and complete these sentences. (Miro nuevamente el monstruo y completo estas oraciones en mi carpeta). 

a- The monster has got two _________. One is green and one is ________________.

b- It has got a _________________  body.

c- Its ____________________ are brown.

d- The hands are _______________________.

e- The _______________________ are pink.

f- It has got _________________ legs.



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